Partners from the Murcia Pilot successfully completed the requirements gathering stage

The State of Emergency declared in Spain prevented the partners involved in the Pharaon Murcia Pilot to arrange the different physical workshops planned, aiming at gathering the requirements under which the new line of virtual assistance will be based on.

This forced to adapt the methodology for receiving the inputs from older adults, relatives, caretakers and health professionals along with all the activities planned during the co-creation stage. As a result, the partners from the Murcia Pilot arranged a virtual co-design workshop with representatives from the different target collectives of the Pilot previously selected from more than 250 respondents who participated in an online survey.


Held on June 11th 2020, the workshop was used to introduce the main objectives of the Pharaon project and the Murcia Pilot, explain the work framework and create 6 working groups with representatives of each target collective.

Focus Groups of the Murcia Pilot

During the three weeks following the workshop, the members of each focus group arranged tele conferences on a weekly basis so as to discuss the main objectives of 6 requisites previously defined: Motivation, Knowledge, Follow-up, Prediction, Professional Intervention and Communication, which were collected and reviewed during these three weeks by all 40 members of these 6 groups using an online sharing tool.

The analysis of the results obtained from the above mentioned activities performed during the contingency methodology resulted in the identification of Quality, Functional and Emotional

Goals that Pilot partners used to define the different use case scenarios that comprise the requirements of this disruptive telecare model, that will allow patients to stay in their preferred environment and provide a more intense, effective, proactive and less intrusive care and observation service.

Quality (blue), Functional (pink) and Emotional (green) goals and goal models (purple) identified after the focus groups.