PHArA-ON Action Research

The work in the Pharaon pilots was conducted according to the principles of Action Research which focuses on the active involvement of all relevant stakeholders in the research process, and works in an iterative way of planning, action and (collaborative) reflection.

Framework for eHealth Action Research

Lessons learned from Action Research

Download Pharaon Recommendations on Action Research for research and policy makers

Download Action Research Practical Tips

Download Action Research Reading list

PHArA-ON Lessons Learned for Future Developments and Added Value

Through the implementation of user interoperability layers of the different Pharaon technologies and platforms in Pharaon pilots, lessons were learned that may be useful for future technology developments.

Download PHArA-ON Lessons Learned for Future Developments and Added Value

PHArA-ON Ethical Guidelines

PHArA-ON Ethical Guidelines are focused on person-centered considerations and on all the issues regarding individual and collective security and wellbeing: ethical, privacy, legal considerations and deontological aspects.

Download PHArA-ON Ethical Guidelines

Download PHArA-ON Ethics Miniguide

PHArA-ON Dissemination Guidelines

PHArA-ON dissemination guidelines is about explaining how to write and publish a content using social media (twitter, facebook, linkedin), write article and press release, how to take picture for the project and use images with good quality and copyright free.

Download Dissemination Guidelines Communication