Considering the growing population of older adults, addressing the influence of loneliness among this demographic group has become imperative, especially due to the link between social isolation and deterioration of mental and physical well-being. Technology has the potential to be used to create innovative solutions...

At the AIOTI Days in Brussels on 24-25 September 2024 in Brussels, Filippo Cavallo, University of Florence and Pharaon coordinator, chaired a workshop showcasing the latest outcomes of the Pharaon project. The focus was on the implementation of a federated multi-level architecture and the technical...

The Pharaon project has awarded diplomas to the older adults involved in the Murcia pilot. A total of 150 people over 55 years old with heart failure participated in the pilot where they were monitored in their own homes to provide them with a more...

Pharaon partner UNIFI participated in the FIWARE Global Summit “Connecting Minds, Driving Smart Solutions” in Mostra D’Oltremare, Naples, Italy on 18-19 September 2024. At the summit, Pharaon had a demo booth showcasing the Wearable sensor system integrated in the Pharaon Internet of Robotics Things scenario from...

The CWA 18123 on "Guidelines on Action Research for Large Scale Piloting" developed under Pharaon has been published in July 2024 and is now available for download on the CEN/CENELEC website. Large-scale pilot projects often encounter issues like integrating diverse technologies, aligning multiple stakeholder objectives, ensuring...

Project Partners: Institute for elderly care and sheltered homes (ISRAA), Ideable Solutions, SL (Ideable) Country: Italy, Spain The MildSight Project will deploy a new pilot in Treviso where 20 people living alone in their own apartment will be connected to an ISRAA call-centre to be monitored. The...

Pharaon developed a framework for eHealth Action Research which was evaluated with consortium partners and experts from the field and other researchers from practice, outside of the Pharaon consortium, to increase the applicability of the framework. The framework consists of different elements: an introductory text and...

Project Partners: Vidavo S.A. (VIDAVO), National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Alliance for Integrated Care (AfIC) Country: Greece The MARISSA project is a pioneering initiative in older people’s chronic disease management and welfare, precisely aligned with Pharaon's objectives. It aims to deliver a holistic solution for...

Pharaon is proud to announce that two papers from Pharaon are among the finalists for ForITAAL best paper award. Finalist paper for the Best Student Paper Award: “Novice action researchers’ theoretical understanding and practical implementation of action research in eHealth”, authors: Kira Oberschmidt, Christiane Grünloh, Lex...