Tecnologías digitales para las personas de edad y el envejecimiento saludable (17 May 2022, Madrid, Spain)

Pharaon’s Technical Manager, Rafael Maestre, will present Pharaon at the occasion of the World Telecommunications and Information Society Day organised by the Official Association of Telecommunications Engineers (COIT). This year’s Day will take place under the heading “Digital technologies for older people and healthy aging”.

World Telecommunications and Information Society Day has been celebrated annually on May 17 since 1969 to mark the founding of the  International Telecommunication Union and the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention in 1865. The COIT organizes, Together with the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures, the COIT organises an event on May 17 every year.

The event will be held in Spanish

When: 17 May 2022

Where: Madrid, Spain

More information and registration (click here)