User requirements and scenarios of the Andalusian Pharaon Pilot

The Andalusian pilot has done an excellent job in eliciting and representing user requirements for the Pharaon project. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the original plan had to be changed and the co-design workshops couldn´t be held as set out in the initial work plan. Hence, other methods such as phone interviews, were put in place to gather user requirements.

A total of 24 people from the province of Jaen (Andalusia) provided their contributions. The sample was divided into three groups: 1) older adults with previous experience in technology; 2) older adults with no experience and 3) professionals working in the ageing sector.

To represent the user requirements, the consortium decided to make use of one of the methods available for this purpose – modelling user requirements as goals and scenarios by motivational modelling. This method enables the participation of all stakeholders while representing in a detailed manner what older adults, caregivers, relatives and other stakeholders should be able to do or achieve with the help of technical solutions.

The results of interviews carried out with different stakeholders involved led to a general goal model supporting the wellbeing of people over 65 that is made up of the following three sub-scenarios:

  • improving digital skills
  • participating in the community
  • providing cognitive stimulation.

Consequently, the use case scenarios that refine the corresponding goal models were determined.

Under the following link, you can see a video describing the diverse scenarios of the Andalusian pilot