The world’s population of people aged 65 years and older is rapidly rising, in the EU more than one fifth (21,1%) was aged 65 and over in 2022. Research is looking into ways to increase the healthy life years of older individuals and their quality...

Many Dutch Pharaon Plusbus locations have now completed the study. What happens to the participants now? A number of locations have indeed completed the study. Participants from these locations, like all other participants, will continue to receive the monthly Dutch newsletter until the end of the...

March and April were busy weeks for the Dutch Pharaon pilot. A number of Plusbus locations are already finishing with the Pharaon study but before doing so, they still went on a number of excursions with the Plusbus. For example, the participants went to the...

In previous interviews with older people that participate in Pharaon, they clearly indicated that older people themselves know very well what is needed. A new generation of scientists realises this all too well and wants to change science. Science must become more accessible and transparent...

Led by Pharaon partner DIN, European large-scale pilot projects developed the content for a CEN Workshop Agreement (specification, pre-standard) on “Digital health innovations — Good practice guide for obtaining consent for the use of personal health information for research and innovations”. Public commenting The draft document is...

Pharaon Coordinator Filippo Cavallo, UNIFI, participated in the health & care cluster meeting on 9 and 10 March in Lisbon, Portugal, together with other large-scale pilot representatives, EHTEL as the Coordinator of the Cluster and Christopher Klein from the EU Commission. At the meeting, participants discussed...

Is it possible to promote active and healthy ageing through reconnection with nature using technology? It was based on this idea that the Citizeen app was present in the Geração Coolectiva training programme, which ran for 5 weeks, from January 11 to February 14 2023, in the city of...