New publication: On streamlining stakeholder interests when designing technology-supported services for Active and Assisted Living (, EN)

Our paper “You can’t always get what you want: Streamlining stakeholder interests when designing technology-supported services for Active and Assisted Living“ was accepted at OzCHI and is now online available. OzCHI is the Australian conference for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and I was very happy that this paper was accepted, especially because it was the first paper written by my PhD student Kira Oberschmidt as the first author. The article was written together with me and three other colleagues in the pilot: Lex van VelsenFemke Nijboer, and Sefora Tunç. As first author, Kira was the one presenting our paper at the conference and she did a fabulous job both at presenting and answering all the interesting questions.

Read the full blog-post here