04 Nov Pharaon Open Call webinar 4th November 2021
On November 4th, Pharaon organized a first onboarding webinar on how to apply to the Open Call for service providers. The webinar introduced the 7 pilots of the Pharaon project and its unique use cases, highlighting which gaps the Open Call is determined to cope with. Here you find the registration of the webinar:
Hereby some reminders information about Open call:
- Goal: The objective of the Open Call Program of Pharaon is to extend the benefits of the Pharaon platform beyond the boundaries of current pilots, as an opportunity for other solution providers to contribute their technologies to the project, demonstrating that their solutions are compatible with the Pharaon open platform and supporting the ongoing development and refinement of the overall Pharaon ecosystem
- Target: SMEs, and Micro SMEs, Web entrepreneurs and individual sole-traders, Industrial organizations
- Budget: 1.000.000 EUR (20 grants of up to EUR 50,000 each)
- Deadline: 31.12.2021, 17:00 pm
- Project duration: 6 months starting from March or April 2022
?  To apply, follow the application process on the Open call: https://www.pharaon.eu/open-calls/
Please feel free to share this information among your networks and for every question send an email to opencall@pharaon.eu